The life and happenings of an archaeologist, geologist, a little girl, and a baby boy.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Ho Ho Ho!
These Boots are made for walking...
She will bring me any of the shoes in our closet and beg to have them put on her feet. High heels and Josh's heavy work boots are her favorites. She walks best in this ballet flats though and now she can get this pair on by herself without any help at all.
We have also recently discovered that she is a sorter. She arranged her letters at bathtime like this:
She was in the process of moving the blue ones from the center to the side when she got out, that is why the K is still in the middle. She was very methodical about moving them and putting them in the right group. It is pretty funny.
We have officially entered tantrum stage and I don't like it at all. She is the type that will fall down on the ground and pound her fists when things don't go her way. Anyone know what to do about that?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Our Little Turkey
Ca - Car
Nana - Banana
Boon - Balloon
Eesse - Cheese
Cracka - Cracker
Dug - Dog
bowawa - Bow wow wow
baall - Ball
do-wap do-wap, do-wap - When your up your up
Baba - Bubbles or Bottle depending on her mood
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
It has been a week!
You can see the scrape down her nose in this picture. It looks really bad. (please don't call CPS, I promise I am not abusing her). Her legs are covered in bruises from climbing and I don't know how she is going to survive another week much less another year. We might come to know the emergency room very well over the next few years with this little one.
On top of all this, she is getting about 8 more teeth all at the same time. Her top premolars have just poked through and her top second incisors are just about to poke through too. The bottom ones of both don't look like they are far behind.
On a funner note, remember awhile back when I couldn't get her to eat bananas? Well, now I can't get her to stop. Every meal she says "Nana, nana" and then looks disappointed when I give her something else. She walks over to the counter where we keep the bananas and looks longingly at them even when she shouldn't be hungry. She ate half of another boys banana this morning because she stood by his mom and said "Nana". While cute, she might end up wearing out her welcome.
Somedays I am jeolous of the other mom's whose kids are not quite so mobile yet. We were at a birthday party for a little boy who is only two weeks younger than Ember and he isn't quite walking yet. His mom could set him on the floor or have someone hold him and he was happy and content. Ember was chasing after the kids that were 3-10 years old rather than sitting around with the 1-ish year olds. And she has the bumps to prove it. Oh well.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
All Girl
Saturday, September 25, 2010
It's My Party...
It is hard to believe it has already been a year since this little girl joined our family. We love her so much.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Summer Fun
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
One of my First Steps
So Ember has been making some attempts at walking lately. She will hold on to furninture until she can't get where she wants then she will let go and take a step or two and then fall down. She is so close to actually walking!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
9 months
Father's Day sure was fun. We thought her onesie was appropriate. I didn't get a picture when she was all clean so here she is just before bed, looking her disheveled best.
She was reaching for a toy in her toy box and got high-centered on her wee little belly and fell in! You would have thought she was in heaven. She loved being able to explore. She loves to try to fit in the smallest places then gets upset when she gets stuck. It is awfully cute.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Swimmin' in the Water
She has also recently learned how to clap her hands together and she does it all the time, except when there is a video camera on. We can't seem to get it on video, but we will keep trying. It is currently her favorite thing to do.
We had some people over for dinner last weekend and they brought their 6 month old little girl. She was sitting in our exersaucer and Ember was playing with it from the outside. Ember started talking at the volume she usually does (DA DA DA-She definitely doesn't have an inside voice yet). The other girl got this terrified look on her face and started to cry. It was the saddest thing I have seen. Ember had no idea why she could possibly be crying and no idea that she had scared the daylights out of her. Funny, sad, and oh so cute all at the same time.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
8 month photo session
More Pictures
Thursday, May 6, 2010
What a Doll
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Pictures and Giggles
This is how she started out crawling, kind of like a little worm. Now she can get up on her hands and knees, but she still crawls like this sometimes.