Sunday, March 4, 2012

Adventures in OK

We made it through the move, unfortunately it wasn't as uneventful as we had hoped. We packed up the UHaul on Wednesday then my Dad and Josh drove it all night. Ember, my mom, my brother, and I flew in the next afternoon and we all arrived at about the same time. After unloading everything (them, not me. I just kept Ember out of the way), my Dad and brother flew home and Josh, my Mom, and I started unpacking. Things were going great and were starting to fall into order. The next day we continued through most of the day and had a good portion of the boxes unpacked when I started to feel sick. I had a sharp pain in my side and so I sat down, then tried to lay down, then I started throwing up. I tried everything I could think of to help myself feel better but nothing seemed to help. Finally around 8 at night I had Josh take me to the hospital. At first everyone, including me, thought that it was my appendix. I was in a lot of pain and was dehydrated from the nausea which sent me into having contractions about every 3 minutes. The doctors were afraid that I was going to have to have the baby immediately so they gave me some steroids to help develop the baby's lungs. After some pain medication, and medication to stop my contractions, I was able to calm down some. They did an ultrasound and found that the pain wasn't in the area of my appendix so I didn't get a CT scan. They think that in the unpacking I must have gotten a torqued ovary and the pressure of the uterus was causing the pain. I spent two nights there and by the time I left I was virtually pain free. I came home on Sunday and the pain was off an on for the next couple of days. What hurt the most was trying to roll over in bed. My whole stomach was sore from the strain and I have finally given up on it. Now I just sleep sitting up. I went to my new doctor on Wednesday and he could tell I was still in a lot of pain so he gave me a prescription for pain medications which have helped so much. I am okay most of the time, but the baby will sometimes kick me in my sore ovary which is so painful. I am also having contractions still, and although they aren't regular, they are very hard, sometimes to the point where I yell out in pain. I am now on bed rest for at least 3 weeks so that the baby can make it to at least 38 weeks. For awhile I thought there was no way I was going to make it that long, but I am starting to feel like I can. My Mom has been so great through all of this. She finished unpacking for us, took care off Ember for us, and made all our meals for the first week. She has gone home now, but took Ember with her since I really can't care for her the way I would need to. I am so lucky to have had her here and I hope she knows how much she is appreciated! It is so quiet now, Josh is working nights so he sleeps during the day. I just hope I don't get too bored in the next few weeks. I know I can't do anything strenuous but it is so hard to look around and see all the things you would normally do in a day- if you weren't stuck sitting all the time. At least I am at my own home though, rather than stuck in a hospital and at least I am feeling 100 times better than I was. Now if the baby will just stay put for awhile longer it will be good.


Melissa B. said...

Holy Moly Paige. No scary stuff, ok. Moving across the country and being 8 months pregnant is crazy, but you and Josh are the coolest cats and have such great support. I'm glad you are resting and we'll pray for little Steele to keep swimming a bit longer. Enjoy all the books and movies you'll get to watch while Bed Resting. Our real bed rest days are numbered. :)

Dawn said...

Good Luck Paige I hope you aren't getting too bored. Hopefully you will get to web cam ember a lot. Take care I am thinking of you!