We had an ultrasound taken last week to get a better facial profile and he is doing well. We took Ember with us and she had a really rough morning. She cried through the entire ultrasound which is very unusual for her. Contrary to what the people in the office probably thought, she is generally a pretty well behaved girl- granted that she is only two-and-a-half and has her share of difficult moments. I could just see the looks from all the people working there that seemed to say, "Why did you bring the kid here"(okay so they may have thought *Brat*). Poor Josh didn't get to come to the first ultrasound and then had to hold a screaming kid through this one. I felt terrible. One fun thing that the technician said though is that he has hair already! Ember did too when she was born. Other than that he is healthy and growing well.
I have only gained 10 pounds so far with this baby, which anyone who saw me would probably think was a lie. I am huge already. My doctor said that I should gain at least 10 more in the next 10 weeks so I am trying to eat more without going overboard. I need to take a picture to see how my belly is with this pregnancy as compared with my last one. My sister in law, who is due in three weeks commented yesterday that I am definitely bigger than she is. I must just carry my baby all in front. I got asked the other day when I went to the temple if I was going to be okay through the session. It was quite funny because I could tell the woman was sure I was about to go into labor any minute. She probably would have felt bad if she knew my due date wasn't for another 2 months!
Can I just say this about that? We are all sooooo blessed to be part of this global family called the LDS Church. You will have instant friends in Oklahoma. And not just friends, but a whole group of sisters who will jump on board to make sure you and your little family are taken care of. And I'm so happy you'll get to be together as a family again! Yay! Good luck :)
So I posted but I am not sure it went through so here I go again! I totally know how you feel! We moved just like you! It is hard but the great things about it is the church and the testimony I have gained about the importance of family! You are doing the right thing I know you are! Ember is so cute people will flock to her and YOU! You are amazing and can do hard things! Plus think of how great your visits HOME will be. Because I always count Phoenix as home. But you are blessed with two so far. Utah and Phoenix! Love you guys!
wow i didnt know he was already living there! youre amazing to keep going without your lover. that would be so hard. and to be a full time working mom. good for you for making it through! and you guys will do great out there, you'll make lots of friends and find plenty of help when the new one comes along. things happen for a reason, hang in there!
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