A friend of mine asked me to take their family pictures. I was a little intimidated, mainly because it has been years since I took pictures that I thought were of high enough quality to frame. And secondly, because I have a new camera that I don't know the ins and outs of yet. So, in preparation for this photo shoot and because, shameful as it is, Ember had never been there in the 2.5 years of her life, we took a trip to the Mesa temple for a photo shoot. Here are some of my favorites. She isn't much for posing and would much rather be looking at the pictures then getting hers taken but some turned out okay.

She has been saying all sorts of crazy things lately so here are a few of my favorite for your entertainment:
* If mom gets on the table, it will break (gotta love that)
* I walked into her/our room at 9:15 at night thinking, of coarse she is asleep by now. With no other explanation she informed me "You like the yellow one and the red one and Daddy likes the green one" Yup, she got that right. Sure glad she was staying up late to solve that riddle.
*She has been doing a lot of things with her toys lately that reflect what she does. She puts them in time-out, or puts them to bed then will come tell me all about it. My favorite is when she fake hits me with one of her toys then will put that toy in time out for hitting mommy. It is very cute.
*We bought a Curious George book at Goodwill and she has been loving it. One day she was getting into everything and I told her that she was curious. You would have thought she got a prize for how much she lit up. She began telling everyone (including me about 500 times in the next hour), "I'm curious!" Then she would smile proudly. At least I didn't use a different word to describe her.
*I was packing up our house and needed something to distract her so I could get things done. I found some rocks that we used as decorations at our wedding. They are black rocks that have words on them such as Love, hope, kiss, smile, etc. I gave them to Ember to play with and she was content for a little while. I was so relieved that I could actually get some things done. I went into the other room and began packing and soon she came bounding into the room and said "Here you go Mom" and handed me a rock. I looked down and the rock said "Listen". I suddenly felt very ashamed for not taking the time I should have for her. I sat down and we played together with the rocks and she talked my ear off for awhile. It was really a lesson to me about how important it is to spend time with her. You know, everything got packed up in time too, even though I spent that half hour with her.
Give her a kiss from Grandma. I am missing the little "add-ins" that she says to everything that is going on. Even if she doesn't know what to say, she says "Yah".
Hi, I stumbled across your blog while seeing what brought mine up in google. I have a little girl called Ember too, and keep a blog of Emberisms. Here's the link if you're interested!
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