On Valentines just as I was about to put our romantic dinner on the table, I happened to walk past our turtle tank and glanced in. Then I did a double-take. One the bottom of the tank were 6 white spheres. I gasped. "What in the World are Those!" Josh jumped out of his chair and ran over to see. Michaelangelo, who we have been calling Mr. Turtle for the past 3 years has apparently a secret to tell us. He isn't really a boy. He has been quite offended by our gender mixing and would now like to set the record straight the he is in fact a she. Miss Turtle laid six eggs for our Valentine's day enjoyment.
Does anyone know what to do with turtle eggs? I sure didn't so with a little internet searching we discovered that turtles, like chickens, lay unfertilized eggs every spring once they are past maturity. They do not, however, care for them so it shouldn't have been that tramatic to take them out of the tank. They can lay multiple litters and as many as 30 eggs at a time. I guess this is something we get to look forward to every year from Miss Turtle.
We have been noticing some odd behavior from her for several weeks but didn't quite know what to make of it. She hasn't been eating very well, she has been basking for hours, and she has been frantically trying to get out of her tank. It all makes sence now! Poor Josh is now outnumbered by girls!