Christmas: I know it is way late, but we had a wonderful Christmas in Utah visiting my family. We were spoiled rotten again, and enjoyed seeing our family and friends for the week we were there. We also got our family pictures taken in the freezing cold by Melissa which was a ton of fun! I love spending Christmas with my family. Here are some pictures of our nativity in the neighbors barn.
My brother-in-law's family had a gingerbread house making contest. Here is my brother-in-law's winning entry (so no one else spent nearly as much time as he did so it is understandable that his is the winner). It is a nordic chalet.
Me in all my glory on Christmas morning. I don't think I was expecting this shot.
Moving: we moved from our apartment into our condo in mid-January and were amazed at the amount of stuff we have. I don't know how we got so much but I can't believe how long it took to move and how hard it was to find a place for everything. We are still looking for places for a couple of things so if you know any storage tricks, let me know. We had a ton of help moving and couldn't have done it without everyones help. It is kind of nice to finally live in a place you own, but that also means that if anything goes wrong, we have to fix it. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing. We are now officially urbanites. We both take the train to school and work and live in the middle of the highrises in downtown. It is different but I kind of like it for now.

Old Friends: This last weekend we got to go out to lunch with one of my old roommates and one of our favorite people ever. I didn't take any pictures though and I am very disappointed in myself so I will have to get one another time.
That is what has been going on in our life recently and hopefully I will be a better blogger from now on.
LAST SEMESTER: Josh started his last semester of school in January and he is going to be busy! He has 19 credit hours and is teaching two classes and he is hoping to get straight A's this semester. He has done well so far and has gotten 100% on everything that has bee graded, but his first test is Friday and we will see how that goes. Cross your fingers for him. He is also trying to balance his school with being the ward Sunday School President and the Stake Sunday School 2nd Counciler. I do not envy him at all. So far he has been able to balance it pretty well, but it is still early in the semester. He is scheduled to graduate on May 14th and I can hardly wait.
He has also decided to put off graduate school for a couple of months to a year and see if he can get a better idea of where to go and what to study.
Happy Birthday to us! Josh turned 28 on January 30th and I turned 31 on February 3rd. We had a really good birthday. For Josh's we went out to eat at Joe's BBQ and had a delicious dinner. It is not a fancy place but the food is delicious. Then we had our b-day cakes at Josh's parents Super Bowl party. I made a six-layer red velvet cake that was divine-I just wish there had been some leftovers to take home! For my birthday my parents came in town and we went to lunch at a Thai place near my work and then I spent the rest of the day with them and went to ice cream at the Pink Spot. It was a really nice day and I completely enjoyed it.
Last night another one of my roommates came into town and we got to see her again too. We love Jillsy!
I could never call you a slacker. I did enjoy your blog and remembering some of the good things that we shared that have been going on in your life. You guys are great and it was wonderful being there and sharing some of the good times that you blogged about. Love ya tons, MOM
I had stopped checkin this a while ago, so I'm a little slow at reading this. Loved reading what you are up to. Keep goin on the updates even if I don't-
YOURE PREGO!!!!! so good to see you two! glad you copied this pic for you two to keeps! love you both!
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