Anyone have $11,500,000 that they want to give us?
I love the staircase. It is in the library with floor to celing bookcases
The life and happenings of an archaeologist, geologist, a little girl, and a baby boy.
I am sure there are a thousand other places to see but we only have a week!
Josh then had to finish a report last night which he stayed up until 5 am doing. I think he is just practicing for when we have kids. I will gladly give him the night shift. Other happenings this week: Josh is now our ward's Sunday School President! You can all bow down to him now that he is the authority of all gospel subjects. ;) Poor Josh, he needs all the consolation he can get. I still don't have a calling and that is fine by me. I need a break after last year. We went to the temple last week on ward temple night and ended up going out to dinner with all 7 people that were there from our ward and the women were all busy talking about girl's camp. I do miss the young women, but my life is so much less stressful since I got released. I have time to do all those things that I never thought I would get to. Of coarse, I also waste a lot more time but I guess that is the price you pay. Oh well, I am sure life will get busy again soon.
Our Living Room (Yes, we still have rabbit ears for our TV!)Our Study
Our Kitchen
Our Niche (Josh thought we needed a statue or shrine to go here)
Our Bathroom
I haven't taken any pictures of our bedroom yet as it is still a work in progress (i.e., it really needs to be cleaned first!), but I hope you enjoyed your tour!