Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Haunting

This was the first year that Ember really understand what Halloween was about and it was a lot of fun to see her face light up with excitement. She decided that she wanted to be Thomas the train for Halloween and she couldn't have been happier with her costume. I wanted her to choose a costume that was a little more girly but as she reminds me, "I am NOT a princess". So I didn't force it on her. I did have her dress up in a different costume for dance class since I can't imagine her trying to do ballet in her Thomas costume.
 Steele was hard to convince, but I did finally win in the end. He was Sully from Monsters Inc. and was happy to chew on his monster hands and grab at his monster feet. We had a good time trick-or-treating. Ember is not a sugar girl, which I am so glad about. She will only eat two or three pieces of candy a day and then she is done. It is great. Anyway, here are the pictures.


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