Tuesday, June 22, 2010

9 months

Ember had her nine month appointment this morning and she is getting so big. She is 20 lbs 12 oz (which is in the 75-90%) and is 29 1/2 inches tall (97%). She is slimming down, she used to be in the 95% for weight and has always been tall. No wonder everyone is surprised that she is only 9 months old, she towers over all the other babies that are close to her age.
Father's Day sure was fun. We thought her onesie was appropriate. I didn't get a picture when she was all clean so here she is just before bed, looking her disheveled best.

Josh sent me this at work last week. Sometimes tired wins over hungry. She is a good little eater. She will pretty much eat whatever we give her except for bananas. I don't think she likes the sliminess of them. It is so sad because they are so yummy and are great finger foods.

She was reaching for a toy in her toy box and got high-centered on her wee little belly and fell in! You would have thought she was in heaven. She loved being able to explore. She loves to try to fit in the smallest places then gets upset when she gets stuck. It is awfully cute.

She is working on getting her top two teeth. We can see them there but they haven't quite poked out there pearly whiteness yet. She has a little bit of a hard time with teething, she gets a fever and is quite uncomfortable for awhile. I hope they cut through soon.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Ember wore her first pigtails to church last Sunday and boy did she look cute. She looked so grown-up. She almost looks like a toddler rather than a baby. It is fun to watch her grow and change.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Swimmin' in the Water

We took Ember swimming for her first time last Monday and she had the time of her life. I have never seen her so excited to do something. I love the squeals of delight. First, thought, we had to get her picture in her cute swim suit. I absolutely love the tutu.

She has also recently learned how to clap her hands together and she does it all the time, except when there is a video camera on. We can't seem to get it on video, but we will keep trying. It is currently her favorite thing to do.

We had some people over for dinner last weekend and they brought their 6 month old little girl. She was sitting in our exersaucer and Ember was playing with it from the outside. Ember started talking at the volume she usually does (DA DA DA-She definitely doesn't have an inside voice yet). The other girl got this terrified look on her face and started to cry. It was the saddest thing I have seen. Ember had no idea why she could possibly be crying and no idea that she had scared the daylights out of her. Funny, sad, and oh so cute all at the same time.