Josh has been overwhelmingly busy during this semester with a full schedule and teaching two classes. He has been staying at school most days until 6 or 7 at night grading papers or doing his class assignments (often involving looking through microscopes for hours on end). He has also been staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning to get all his homework done. In addition to this, he has had field trips for a couple of weekends (including this weekend) where he leaves on Friday or early Saturday and I don't see him again until Sunday night. So I have had a lot of extra time to myself. It has been nice in some ways but it gets boring after awhile and I am always glad when he finally comes home. So here is what has occupied my many solitary hours.
1. Girl's Nights Out: wait a minute, all my girl friends that I used to hang out with move away! Scratch this one.
2. Chick Flick Movie nights: Josh isn't a fan of chick flicks and since most of my girl friends don't live her anymore (see #1) I have to content myself with watching them on my own when Josh is out of town. I still love them even if I do watch them alone. Some of my favs:
3. Baking Bread: In 2007 one of my goals was to learn how to make bread so Josh gave me this fabulous book for Christmas. It has taken awhile to get into it, mainly because most of the recipes take about 8 hours to make, but they are worth it. Everything comes out looking like it is from a bakery so you can really impress everyone. I even fooled my sister-in-law who is an amazing cook when I took them dinner a couple of weeks ago.

Today I made rye bread and it looks pretty good. I just hope it tastes as good as it looks!
4. Sewing: I had a baby blue trench coat that I absolutely loved and somehow hanging in the closet it managed to get rust on it. I am completely perplexed because nothing next to it or around it had anything on it, so I have no idea how it happened. Since I loved it so much I decided to pull it apart and make a new one. After about a month of working on it (intermittently) and sewing almost everything twice, it is done. Well, almost. I tried it on and realized my hem isn't quite lining up, so I will post pictures when it is really finished. ;) My Mom taught me how to sew a little bit when I was younger, but I have never made anything this complicated before. I am quite impressed with how it came out.
5. Reading: I have been reading quite a bit over the last year. For some reason I just have the desire to read all sorts of things. Here is a list of the books I have read so far this year:
Atlas Shrugged ( It's worth all 1069 small print pages of it)
Pride and Prejudice (I think I have read this ten or more times-it is definitely a favorite)
Anna Karenina (Hated this one, the only way I got through it was to tell myself I couldn't read The Fountainhead until I finished it. Tolstoy is a good writer, but I couldn't stand Anna)
The Fountainhead
The Birth of Freedom (Haven't finished this one yet-it has all the previous documents that formed the intellectual background for the American Constitution)
The Three Musketeers (I am almost done with this one- it is a much more mature book than I expected)
6. Oh, and one more thing that I am ashamed to admit:

It is so much fun. I never thought I would like playing video games, but I love this one. The cut scenes are hilarious.
Tristan will be so proud of you. I think that that video game would be equal to heaven in his world!! Combining Lego and Star Wars. And what's more, it is a video game too.
Sounds like you are filling in your time nicely. I am excited to see your new coat.
Lots of Love,
Those books are too deep for my mind - You are definitely your father's child.
Stef, I saw the coat and am absolutely amazed. It is soo.. beautiful. Wait until you see it. I love it.
Paige - I hate to see you be lonely but think that it is neat that you are so industrious. Love ya, MOM
I loved this post because it talks about you instead of insects. I would love to sample some of your bread creations, maybe at Christmas...and Mom told me about your coat too. Is it done now? Post some pictures. Miss you- Angel
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