The life and happenings of an archaeologist, geologist, a little girl, and a baby boy.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Two Months Plus
So Steele turned 2 months old last week. He is now 13 lbs 7 oz (87th percentile) and 23 inches tall (54th percentile). He is growing like a weed. He still wants to eat all the time and wakes up twice at night but he seems to be getting into a routine and things are settling down a little. He has been a pretty easy baby so far although he does like to be held a lot. He is getting to the point where we can just put him in his crib when he is tired and he will fall asleep-which is wonderful. He loves to have something soft on his cheek when he is going to sleep and will rub his face against his blanket to feel it. If he doesn't have a soft blanket he has a hard time sleeping. He has started smiling some and does a tiny bit of very soft babbling. His most recent discovery is his hands. You would think they were made of sugar by the way he sucks on them. They are de-lish. I love that he found them because often when he starts crying and I can't get there right away, he will find them and settle himself down. Hallelujah! We do love our little guy.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
For about a week every time she walked away she would turn around and remind me, "Don't forget to buckle your seat belt."
Lately she has been telling me about Dumbo, who is apparently a big bully. He steals her purse and knocks her off her bike. She will sometimes say that Dumbo won't get us.
She will often grab her purse and go to the store. Then she will run into her room. Sometimes she will say I am going to the candle and run in her room. She apparently has a giant candle in her room that she will blow out.
Ember insists on saying every prayer. It is almost always the same one (I didn't teach it to her, she must have picked it up on her own). For awhile we would ask who should say the prayer and she would reply "Me, this girl, Ember." then proceed to say the prayer without any further comment.
"Pee pee and poop play in the potty." (toilet paper does too on occasion).
Ember: Ah we an ooh me a ne
Me: What are you singing?
Ember: A love song.
"I am going to grow up and be 3 like mommy is 3."
Me: What comes after twelve?
Ember: Three-teen.
"I am upset. I need to go lay down."
"Mommy is a good woman." (Thanks Ember, I appreciate it, I just wonder where you got that little tidbit of knowledge from)
She has started to speak in storybook voice. I hope that doesn't mean we read too much. She will often speak for her toys as you would read from a book. For example: "Look a bath, the bear cried. It leaped in the bath."
When we were visiting my Mom, she came inside and announced, "The outside made me angry."
I was talking with a friend of mine and Ember came up by us. My friend asked her "How are you, honey?" She looked offended and said, "I'm not honey." Then later she came up and started calling my friend "Honey"
Occasionally Ember will put herself down for a nap if she is tired. One day she said she was going to bed and went into her room. We heard her say her prayers and crawl in. It was pretty cute. She also sometimes puts her toys to bed and says prayers for them.
I was eating something and Ember came into the room and asked "Can I have a bite?" I gave her one then she came back and asked, "Can I have another bite?" immediately after she asked, "Can I have all the bites?"
After a big fall - we were waiting for the crying to start and she stood up and in a matter-of-fact voice said, "I guess there isn't no oww-y."
She ran into our bedroom and in a very excited voice said, "I have hands!"
One day she asked Josh in a very sad voice, "Why do I matter to you?"I felt so bad. Josh reassured her that he loves her and that she really does matter to him.
She is turning into a very good big sister. Today Steele was crying and Ember said, "Steele is sad, we should go sing to him."
Yesterday we went to Walmart and bought groceries then we picked out some new pajamas for Ember and looked at swimsuits for Steele. Then we went to get some storage boxes for Josh. When we were finished, Ember turned to me and asked, "What are we going to buy for you, Mommy?" It was awfully sweet of her to think of me. I might have teared up a little bit. She has such a good heart. I do love my little girl.
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