Last weekend Josh, our adopted dog, and I went camping. It was so much fun. Ginger was having the time of her life. She was prancing through the grass like a giselle and had a half grin on her face the whole time.

Josh made the best breakfast burritos for us on Saturday morning Eggs, sausage, cheese, green peppers, onions, and tomatoes. Yum. He definitely has campfire cooking skills and you know that girls like guys with skills or at least this girl does.

We went to a place by Ashurst Lake near Flagstaff and the cool mountain air felt fabulous compared to the hot muggy Phoenix air. It was such nice weather. On Friday night after dinner we were just sitting around the campfire and Ginger started nudging us over and over again. We couldn't figure out what she wanted then Josh realized that she needed to go to the bathroom and she wanted one of us to take her. The funny thing is that she wasn't on a leash and there was the whole wilderness for her own private bathroom. We finally got up and walked a little ways away and she was a much happier puppy.
We were going to go visit the lake but last time we went up there this is what happened...

... and we had a wet, stinky puppy the whole ride home. So we decided against it this time.

These are some sunflowers we saw on our drive home and I thought they were really pretty.
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